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About Us

Like many people out there, we have interacted with the healthcare system here in America many times over the years. And again, like many, while we have had our ailments treated, we sometimes felt things were a bit lacking. As if something was missing, or perhaps the treatment didn't address the root cause. Or maybe the healthcare provider just didn't seem to listen to what we were telling them. And so, we are left to wonder, "Could things be better?"
Many times, if you bring up naturopathic practices to a healthcare provider who is trained traditionally in western medicine, your questions and comments get dismissed out of turn in favor of utilizing a more traditional approach that is very "disease centric." Meaning, once a disease has already settled in and started causing havoc in the body, that is when our traditional western medicine culture begins to actually listen to us and prescribe treatments. Doesn't seem very efficient, though, does it? And so we set out to change that and created an alternative and complementary practice that is available for those interested in exploring the naturopathic arts. Our aim is to utilize the foundation of traditional western medical training that we have and blend it into our knowledge of naturopathic practices in order to offer you an experience unlike the usual healthcare encounters you may have had in the past.
While this clinic does not diagnose/treat illnesses in the traditional sense of seeing a patient and then prescribing a prescription medication, we aim to provide you with a better understanding of your body's health, functionality, and potential. We can evaluate your current traditional medical treatments and recommend complementary therapies with naturopathic and homeopathic methods that are tried and true. And because we also are able to employ our own traditional western medical training in the interpretation of your health condition, we may also be able to assist you in taking advantage of the western healthcare system's way of operating. 
To put it bluntly, we are tired of being tired. Dealing with the modern day healthcare system is exhausting. No one listens to you. Treatments seem to only partially address the actual concern. There just seems to be a gap in the care. That's where naturopathic recommendations can enter and help everyone to optimize their body's total health potential by taking a holistic approach to everything rather than the "throw a pill and see what sticks" approach. 




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